"ശാസ്ത്രം" എന്ന വർഗ്ഗത്തിലെ താളുകൾ
ഈ വർഗ്ഗത്തിൽ 666 താളുകളുള്ളതിൽ 200 എണ്ണം താഴെ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്നു.
(മുൻപത്തെ താൾ) (അടുത്ത താൾ)A
- abberation
- abiotic factors
- ablation
- abomesum
- aboral
- abscission layer
- absent spectrum
- absolute age
- absolute expansion
- absolute pressure
- absolute scale of temperature
- absorptance
- acceleration due to gravity
- acceptor
- accommodation of eye
- accustomization
- acervate
- acetylation
- acid dye
- acid salt
- acid value
- acquired characters
- acropetal
- activated charcoal
- adiabatic
- adiabatic process
- adsorption
- Air column
- alternating current
- alternating series
- Amperian loop
- Angle of Reflection
- Antiparallel
- aquaplaning
- Area of cross section
- artificial intelligence
- astable
- Asteroids
- Automatic control system
- addition reaction
- ecliptic
- elastic constant
- elastic limit
- elastic scattering
- electro negativity
- electrochemical reaction
- electropositivity
- electrostatics
- ellipsoid
- embedded
- embryology
- embryonic membrane
- endoergic process
- endoplasmic reticulum
- Endothermic
- entrainment
- entropy
- epicycloid
- Equipotential
- eriodic classification
- euthenics
- Evacuated
- Exclusion theory
- exergonic process
- exocarp
- exoskeleton
- exothermic reaction
- eyespot
- haemolysis
- heat capacity
- heat of adsorption
- Heat transfer
- Heat transmission
- Helical
- hemeranthous
- heterodont
- heterogeneous reaction
- heteromorphism
- heterotrop
- holophytic nutrition
- homeostasis
- homodonts
- homogametic sex
- homogeneous equation
- homolytic fission
- homomorphic
- homotherm
- humerus
- hybridization
- hydathode
- hydration
- hydrodynamics
- hydrogasification
- hydrogenation
- hydrometer
- hydroplaning
- Hydrothermal effect
- Hydrothermal vents
- hygrometer
- hygroscopic substance
- hyperbola
- hypertrophy
- hypocotyle
- hypogyny
- ice point
- ideal gas
- idempotent
- identity matrix
- igneous cycle
- ignition point
- illuminance
- imaginary number
- imaging
- implosion
- incandescence
- Incident radiation
- Incident ray
- indehiscent fruits
- indoor stadium
- indoor temperature
- inelastic collision
- inert pair
- inertial confinement
- inertial frame of reference
- inferior ovary
- infinitesimal
- inflexion point
- inflorescence
- Initial conditions
- injector
- instantaneous center
- Instantaneous value
- Instantaneous velocity
- Instrumental error
- integrand
- integration
- integument
- intensive property
- intensive variable
- inter molecular force
- intercalation
- interfacial angle
- intermediate frequency
- intermetallic compound
- internal ear
- internal resistance